Thursday, May 15, 2014

this and that.. catching up

I got my pictures back up! I was in a panic there for a bit!

I really want to start blogging again. Things are going great around here. We're keeping busy. Lots to catch up on!

The older kids just got out of school for the summer last week. I can't believe J starts kindergarden in August and C will be in the big four year old class at his mother's day out program!

We just discovered ABC Mouse online and the kids absolutely love doing their "school work" online every morning. It's cute and will keep their minds busy this summer. :) And I don't have to come up with lessons for them. A win win. :)

Little baby S is growing so fast! She turns 4 months tomorrow! I will have her 3 and 4 month pics and updates up as soon as I can.

Hubby and I are going on a 5 day cruise/vacation in a few weeks and leaving all three kids at home. I'm both super excited about getting away and sad about leaving the kids.. especially the baby. I know she'll be fine but it's going to be so hard to be away from her. :/

I'm in a desperate last minute panic trying to get in shape and lose a few pounds before our vacation. I would wait until the last minute. Ha! I need to lose like 30 to 40 lbs but hoping I can lose at least maybe 10 before we leave. My goal is to work out every day, eat better and drink LOTS of water! I worked out with a (slight) migraine today so I'm confident I can do this if I set my mind to it! If I can work out with a headache I can do anything. :) I think I will update here as I work towards my goal.

Hope everyone's doing great! Hope I still have a few readers left. :)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have been busy! I'm glad you got everything back up and running. Looking forward to you blogging again! Have fun on your trip!
