Friday, July 3, 2015

getting back to blogging

I'd like to get back into blogging a little. After baby S (now 17 months old) I kind of lost interest in and didn't make time for regular blogging. Baby S has definitely kept me busy!!

We're having a great summer! J finished up kindergarten in early June and she's excited to start first grade this fall! C is starting kindergarten in August. I'm not sure he's terribly excited but maybe a little. :) S will turn 18 months in July. She is a handful. She never stops moving, she's a busy little thing and always into something. She started talking well before a year and has been using full sentences for months now. We're excited to welcome baby #4 in November! We just found out we're having our third little girl! I think having two little girls so close will be fun. :)

We've been having a lazy summer. Busy but pretty low key. Lots of fun outside in the water, trips to the museum and a few other outings. The kids are excited to see fireworks tonight and go to a 4th of July parade tomorrow! I'm well into my second trimester now which is always SO much better than my first so I'm feeling well enough to take the kids out pretty often.

I'm excited to start blogging again and will try to add pics of the kids soon!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!! :)

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