Sunday, July 8, 2018

Weekend Fun

The kids and I ran several errands on Friday while J worked from home. Sol tried on sunglasses at the Dollar Tree. 

Saturday evening we had dinner with J's co-workers and friends. Indie surprised me completely by getting in the pool and (cool) hot tub without me! This is huge for her! The kids had a great time swimming with friends and I enjoyed NOT being in the pool ha! 

The kids after church today. This was the best shot I could get ha! Sol and Indie's outfits are off the $3 clearance rack at Wal-Mart. It's hard to tell here but the shorts have little elephants on them... I adore anything with elephants so had to grab these!

This evening we had small group at our place for the first time. It was also our first time to have guests at our new house so that was fun!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

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