Monday, August 27, 2018

Weekend Fun!

I'm linking up to Hello Monday and Mommy Monday Blog Hop today! 
I would love for you to follow my blog (link in sidebar). Comment here, 
let me know you're a new follower and I will follow back! 

We had a great last weekend of the summer! Lots of shopping and swimming! 

Friday afternoon I got a few more samples in the mail! A pure sugar scrub mask and a pure clay mask from L'Oreal. And a Garnier coconut hair mask from PinchMe. I love freebies and can't wait to try these!
Friday evening the kids and I went up to the neighborhood icecream social at our community pool!

 Mar put earphones on Indie for the first time Friday night. Indie did great with them and had fun
watching Cat In The Hat before bed. She looks way too grown up here!

Mar and I had a girls day out on Saturday. Our first stop was Ikea! She hasn't been to Ikea since she was a baby so this was all new to her! She loved looking at all the little model rooms and all the fun décor! 

I ended up only getting a small plant, a pot and a candle but I loved this light. I think it would be really cute and fun in our school room!

I love these dining chairs too! 

 We had lunch in the café at Ikea. It was surprisingly good! I had a salad and Mar had chicken strips. 

 We went to few stores after Ikea. I loved this huge mug at Charming Charlie's...

 And this water bottle :)

 I got a couple pair of earrings and these fun gold rings at Charming Charlie's. {I think a certain 2 year old took off with my earrings. I couldn't find them this morning.}

We found a lot of fun clearance items at Marshall's. I love the blue water bottle I bought for $6! We got a huge watermelon pool float for $6 and several toys for like $0.30-$.50! 

 I painted the girls toenails bright pink to match mine. It's fun to match!

The kids had so much fun on the watermelon float yesterday evening!! 

We stopped by the new playground on the way home from the pool! 

I realized late Friday night that I messed up big time and it's way too late to register Alex for baseball! He loved playing this spring and has been looking forward to playing again this fall all summer. I feel terrible. After several phone calls and emails he is on the waiting list for the league he played for last spring. I'm praying he gets in! I had to tell him what was going on yesterday and he actually took the news better than I expected. I've been looking for other things he could do this fall and discovered a local Trail Life group.. similar to Boy Scouts but Christian based. He's really excited to join! And he plans to get back to baseball in the spring if he doesn't get in at some point this season. 

Today is the first day of school! Second grade for Alex at public (this is the first year he has gone to school alone... kind of bittersweet) and first day of fourth for Mar.. and our first day homeschooling! So far, so good! 


  1. That is an awesome pool float! My boys and I have never been to an Ikea and I keep trying to convince my husband it would make a fabulous homeschooling field trip... so far he's not buying it. It is quite a haul to our nearest store.
