Saturday, January 26, 2019

January happenings

I'm so behind on the blog! I still need to write about our trip to Texas and Christmas! I prefer to watermark all my photos but it can be pretty time consuming.. which puts me even further behind. I did find out that the program I use (BeFunky) just came out with a watermark program. Once I figure out how to use it that will really help a lot!

We got home from Texas on New Year's Eve and picked up our sweet puppy from the kennel. Poor thing had a bit of kennel cough and needed a couple prescriptions. Thankfully it wasn't too bad and he got over it pretty quickly!

Sol begged for a blonde, blue eyed Wellie Wisher for months last year. I asked her several times if she was sure she wanted a blonde instead of one that looked like her. She insisted she wanted the blonde. Well, she opened it on Christmas morning and set it aside. The next day she said she wanted to give the Wellie Wisher to one of her blonde cousins ha! We decided to sell it once we got home and I started looking for a secondhand, brunette American Girl doll. Sol turned up her nose at every single one I found on eBay or Facebook marketplace but ultimately decided this $24 doll from Wal-Mart was exactly what she wanted lol! She's hilarious! One of Sol's middle names is Isabela so she named her doll "Ella Isabela". :D

This little crazy is not interested in potty training. She turned 3 in October. We've bribed her with sweets, new toys and more. She'll be interested for a day or so and then want to go back in diapers. I told her yesterday that she'll have to stay in the baby (toddler) class at church and can't move into the 3 year old class until she's potty trained. It didn't phase her. She just grinned and said "Ok!" Ha! I asked if she wanted to be wearing diapers in kindergarten and she was like "Yeah." I don't know what to do with this child. The older three were trained the week they turned 3 and never looked back but Indie just does things her own way..

All our spring programs are just starting up again! Sol used to hate dance and begged to quit for months! I told her she had to try the older class before she could quit. She's gone to the older class (5 to 7 yr olds) for three weeks now and LOVES it! She was the one begging to go to dance this week ha! I knew the pre-k class was too boring for her. She does better around older kids (more of a challenge) than younger kids.

Mar and I did a Girls On The Run 5K a few weeks ago. I walked the entire time but it was still fun! It was such a beautiful, spring like day! 

Both older girls had birthdays this month! Sol turned 5 last week and Mar turned 10 this week! My mom flew out to surprise Sol for her birthday and stayed through Mar's birthday!

Sol got another doll (Our Generation) for her birthday! She named this one "Honey Isabela" :D

Of course she had a to have a Ninja Turtle cake too!

Mar turned 10 this week! I can't believe I have a ten year old! Her big gift was having her room redecorated. She got a dresser, desk, curtains and several accessories. I need to get a pic of her room. It's still a work in progress but looking pretty cute! She decided one a teal and coral theme.

The guys went camping with Trail Life last weekend so my mom and I took the girls to eat at Macaroni Grill and then over to the American Girl doll store. This was the first time the little girls have been since they were babies and our first time to the Charlotte store. This store is much smaller than the one we've gone to in Dallas but has a play area that I don't remember the one in Dallas having. The little girls had the best time playing with all the Bitty Babies for over an hour! Poor Indie missed her nap and was in meltdown mode by the time we left but they had so much fun while we were there!

With all this doll shopping/window shopping we've done lately we haven't seen a doll that really matches Indie very well until we happened to see this one at Target a few days ago! The curly, dark blonde hair, brown eyes and light olive skin are perfect for Indie! We've told her she can get this doll as soon as she's potty trained but even this bribe doesn't seem to be working right now. :/

The girls and I took my mom to airport Friday morning. It was really nice having her out here for just over a week!


  1. So funny how different they all are aren't they? With all three of my boys potty training was totally and completely different. And my youngest was the hardest since he too couldn't have cared less about it.

  2. Girls on the run is such an amazing organization! I joined in a 5K with my nieces a few years ago - it was awesome! Have a great week!
