Monday, January 28, 2013

4 years old!!

Little Miss J turned 4 last week! 

 We gave her a little sewing machine on her birthday! She can't wait for her grandma to teach her to sew!

The night before her birthday we had a small party. These pics are out of order but they crack me up! J was SO shy and expressionless. My sister brought a friend with her that J doesn't know and J is super shy around strangers. These pics are so funny because she looks so sober.

 This doll is actually a gift from our friend Becky.. bought before J was even born! I've been saving it for J until she was old enough to play with it. J is thrilled to have a doll who shares her name!

Last minute decision to make a "Hello Kitty" cake... not the best but at least J knew what it was supposed to be!

C helping bake the cake.


  1. how cute! happy birthday to your little one! my daughter just turned 5 last week...working on a bday party post ;)


    New follower from GFC Hop :)
    Follow back?


  2. Happy Birthday to Miss J!! I love her tights, and that face!! She does look a bit thrown off, but I'm sure she felt very special.


  3. hi, found your blog via GFC Blog Hop! And i am your newest follower! Your daughter is so cute in her teal tights lol! Happy belated birthday to her!


  4. Looks like J had a great birthday. And I think you did a great job on her cake :)
