Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Biggest Loser, Week 4

Biggest Loser, Week 4

Eh. I'm not doing too great. You'd think I'd automatically lose ten pounds just from cutting out gluten, almost all sweets, junk food and most dairy. Ha. Not so. My weight is back up around 175. And, for the most part, I'm eating really healthy. So unfair. I have to get motivated to exercise.


  1. That's really interesting, I cut all sugars out and lost five pounds in one week. And I am a couch potato. Keep at it, I'm sure you will see results!

    I am a new follower from the Nice to meet you blog hop and I have become your newest follower. I would love it if you checked out my blog and considered following me back.

    Alise @ Readers In Wonderland

  2. I hate when our bodies rebel against us!!

    Have a great week.

  3. I've been working out for 20 minutes each day for about 2 weeks and have seen no results either. Let's hang in there together! I'm NOT tracking my weight or being hard on myself. I'm making an effort every day, and I'm believing this will eventually be reflected.


  4. I know what you mean. My body has been holding on to the same 10 lbs and I have been working out vigorously for about a month. But to my amazement, even though the scale has only move albs, I was able to put on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear for a while. That gave a little more motivation to hang in there a little while longer. Good luck! Stopping by from Aloha Friday and I am now your newest follower! I love your blog and can't wait to read your next posts!

    The Serena Saga

  5. You can do it. You are doing a great job with your eating. Keep it up! Just think of exercise as your job. One you don't get paid for, but a job nonetheless. You can do it!

  6. You can do it!!!! You can do it!!!! Just get a skinny latte! ha ha! Love ya! Becky (Oh and I tried to comment the other day on J's bday) But at work the comments are blocked! I'm so glad you let her play with her Jasmine doll....awwwwww! I still remember holding her in the hospital. Time sure does fly. xoxo Becky
