Monday, January 14, 2013

Biggest Loser Challenge, Week 2

Linking up with The Java Mama, Biggest Loser Challenge, Week 2

Well, week one was a bust. Not good. I had a terrible week with migraines, being sick and more. I ate terrible. My weight stayed about the same. My weight has been between 176-179 the last week. I swear my weight goes all over the place within a span of a day or so.

Anyway, this week I am going gluten free and cutting almost all dairy. I'm actually doing this because of the migraines. I've had them really, really bed the past couple months and I just can't live like this. I'm hoping that maybe going gluten free and cutting way down on dairy will help with the headaches and of course weight loss will be an awesome plus!

Please do me a favor and take a moment to "like" me on Facebook. I would appreciate it. :) 


  1. Have you looked into Paleo? I believe it's gluten and dairy free. :) I'm sure with making those changes you're going to feel better AND lose weight!!! :)


    1. Haven't looked into Paleo very much.. maybe I should. Yes, I hope I'll be feeling better and losing weight in no time. :)

  2. Keep up the good attitude. Gluten free is pretty tough to stick to, but I have seen it done. Best of luck with it, and hopefully it kicks you over the hump to jump start the weight loss

    1. Thank you! Hopefully it won't be too tough to stick too. :)

  3. Migraines are awful! I hope you get some relief soon!

  4. Best of luck to you! Hoping you are feeling better! :)

  5. Sorry you haven't been feeling well...I hope that changes QUICKLY!

  6. Good Luck this week! I hope your migraines are better.

  7. Best of luck to you on this journey. You can do it, Karen!

  8. You and those darn headaches! waaaahhh! I hope it gets better soon and hang in there friend! miss you!

  9. Found you from the Aloha hop. Cute blog name! Hope the next week goes better for you!
