Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013, Part 1

This was our first time decorating eggs with the kids. You can see they were pretty excited. Ha! They had so much fun! 

I'm not quite sure what's up with some of J's "smiles". Ha! Long story but she wasn't happy with her very shy {non} smile on a photo from school and she said something about smiling different next time. I think she's practicing a new smile or something now. Haha! 

Saturday morning we took the kids to our church for their {first ever} Easter egg hunt. The kids had so much fun even though they only found a few eggs each. Our church was packed

After the egg hunt we stopped by Panda Express for lunch and the kids opened up their eggs. 

C fell asleep on the way home with chocolate all over his face. Ha! 

And J was thrilled with the ring she found in one of her eggs. :)


  1. Cute post! Stopping by from the Non Martha Mama Blog Hop and to like you on GFC & Bloglovin. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back if you enjoy recipes and cooking.

  2. Hi Karen,
    Your kids are so adorable - oh my goodness! Your daughter testing out new smiles just made me laugh. Kids are so entertaining that way.
    Thank you for linking up with us on the Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop.


  3. Glad J got that ring. Girls need things like that. ;) They look warn out, and I bet you needed to gobble up the Panda Express after the egg hunt madness! Hope you're feeling a bit better.


  4. It looks like you guys had a wonderful Easter! It's always wonderful to see pictures of smiling kids!
    Found you through the Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop over at Nanny to Mommy! Now following your blog via GFC :)

  5. Visiting from Thumping Thursdays. And now following you on Twitter :-)

  6. So precious! I am loving her practice smiles, I swear as Ro gets older it is her non-perfectly posed pictures that I love more and more.

    I am here from Thumpin' Thursdays hop, and am now following you via Bloglovin' and GFC. I can't wait to get to know you and your family better.

    My Imperfect...

  7. I enjoy your pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. Looking forward your part 2.


  8. How fun! I don't think we will do our town Easter egg hunt next's just too crazy. :)
