Friday, May 17, 2013

evening fun

Yesterday evening my husband went out to mow the lawn, the kids went outside to play and I took my camera out to practice taking pics. I'm pretty happy with a few of these. I know next to nothing about my camera but I'm loving manuel mode! C really cracks me up in some of these pictures. He insisted on wearing socks with sandals because he has an "owie" on one of his toes. J told him that only old people wear socks with sandals.. and she came up with that on her own. Haha! Then C had his sunglasses on all crooked half the time so he looks a little goofy ha! And J's hair is a disaster but that's how it looks at home. It's hard to keep those frizzys under control 24/7. :) 


  1. Love the lighting on these photos - makes me want to go outside and play :)

    Lisa @ Helene's Legacy

  2. You took some fabulous photos :) Your kids are simply adorable :) Good job with the camera :)

  3. oh what a perfect night :) I love playing with chalk, your kids are beautiful!

  4. Hey there! Here from the blog hop and just wanted to let you know I'm following you via GFC and Bloglovin'! I hope you'll get a chance to check me out! You can find me here:


    Blog url

  5. Beautiful photos! You're making me want to get out my camera and learn to take photos in manual mode... I'm just now comfortable in auto (sadly)!

    Visiting from the Weekend Social Mix, just wanted to say hello!

    Michelle@ Ya Gotta Have a Hobby

  6. They are getting so big! They are so cute! I love your pictures! I need to play with my camera more...and get different angles! :)

  7. You took amazing pictures! Kids are adorable! xo

  8. I love the pictures and the collage set up. They scream summer!!!
