Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day

Cellphone pic of the beautiful tulips my sweet hubby gave me for Mother's Day! Tulips are my all time favorites!! Love them! 

My husband used to take me and the kids out to Mimi's for breakfast before church on Mother's Day. The pain perdu (sp?) breakfast at Mimi's used to be my all time favorite. I'm pretty much trying to stay gluten free these days though so I figured breakfast at Mimi's really wouldn't be that fun this year. So this year we just went to church, then my husband and the kids took his mom out for lunch while I did a little shopping alone, picked up a yummy lunch to go from Boston Market (I didn't remember how yummy Boston Market was. So good! And an almost entirely gluten free too!), then I came home to relax all afternoon. I had my eye on a personalized, engraved necklace off Etsy for Mother's Day but ended up doing quite a bit of clothes shopping last week and told my hubby to wait on the necklace. Still hoping to get it later but new clothes will do for now. :) 

C made this for me at church on Sunday. I'm impressed that his coloring... while not in the lines... is centering more around the lines. Pretty good for a 2.5 yr old boy I'm thinking. 

And J started this at church and finished it up at home. Both kids were SO excited with their Mother's Day projects. So sweet! 

J made this card for me at school last week. These were the questions on the card and her answers:

My moms likes to.... play with me with play dough

My mom's favorite flower... sunflower

My mom has taught me.... a little bit of Spanish

My mom's favorite hobby... write things and mail them at the post office

My mom's favorite food.... chicken

My mom helps me.... get dressed

My favorite thing to with my mom... play kitchen

My favorite memory [with my mom]... playing memory game

I love my mom because.... she gets me dressed and plays with me 

The "write things and mail them at the post office" part cracks me up! I have mailed off a few gifts to a friend lately so I guess that's where she's getting that! I love seeing all her answers and getting a glimpse of her perspective.

All in all it was a great Mother's Day and very relaxing for me!


  1. Love your blog! I a new follower from southern charm! I would love for you to check out my blog and follow me back! Nicole

  2. I'm a new follower via the Thumping Thursdays hop! So glad you had a good mother's day!

  3. Hi Karen,
    Those pictures remind me of the ones my daughters make for me. It's so sweet, isn't it? I also love your blog's name. My daughter loves limonada.
    Thank you for linking up with us on the Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop. I appreciate seeing you back. Have a great weekend.


  4. I am so glad you had a wonderful day!! YOu deserve it!

  5. The list is cute. :) I love the tulips!
