Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Random

 How I announced my pregnancy on Facebook last week. I love how both kids have their hands in their pockets. :)

First purchase for our new baby. We didn't know these existed (or maybe they didn't exist) when we had our other two. I hope this thing actually works because I think it will come in handy.

 J is convinced the new baby is a girl. It's so funny when we browse the baby stuff when we're out. J goes towards all the girl stuff...

 While C goes straight to all the baby boy stuff.

I have been SO nauseated for weeks now. I had a prescription for Zofran that was really working great until it ran out and I can't renew it until for a few more weeks. A different prescription for nausea put me right to sleep (even half a pill!) and didn't help with nausea at all. A few friends recommended Sea Bands and they are actually working! I'm amazed. They're working very well.

 They're working so well that I can enjoy food again! I loved the Asian salad from Chik-Fil-A earlier this week. So yummy!!

 Poor C has been pretty sick the past couple of days. Yesterday was really bad. He didn't want to play, didn't want to eat and actually wanted to be covered in blankets. Definitely not the norm for this one. Today he seems a little better but I think we'll still go in to the doctor this afternoon.

J has been going to VBS every evening this week. She loves it! Here she is last night with a card and hat she made. It is SO hard to get a decent picture of her. She is always bouncing around and acting silly.

This is the inside of her card. I asked if this was our family and she said "No, that's Jesus and His friends." How sweet. :)

We've had a pretty good week except for poor little C being sick the past couple of days.


  1. Your kids are so cute! I love the way you announced your pregnancy on FB!

  2. I love that picture of "Jesus and his friends"! {Disciples maybe?} I'm sorry you're nauseous!! I was too, and I can't imagine feeling that way with TWO little ones to take care of as well. Hope you get to feeling well soon.


  3. Hey Nada nada limonada! felicidades on your third baby! we are newly expecting a #3 too and i have terrible nausea. came by from happy kids, inc. and i love that your blog title es en espanol! ima a texas blogger too! hope to have a follow back <3!!

  4. So awesome that sea bands work...if we ever have another one I may have to try them...

    Marlee loved VBS also! I wish they had another one! She missed part of hers because of swim lessons...

  5. Love your announcement! I hope C is feeling better!
    Lily had a Wubbanub...loved that thing until she gave pacifiers up for her thumb. I'm getting one for this baby, too!
    I'm so glad the Sea Bands are working for you. I tried them for all 4 pregnancies and they never worked. Then again, not much does for me. I'm sorry about the Zofran. I only got 15 a month with my 6 year old. They did approve a larger quantity for my past two pregnancies, but it was a hassle to get them to do so!!!
