Friday, July 5, 2013

strollers, strollers, strollers

If you know me you know I have a stroller obsession! I've been thinking of strollers since I got my positive pregnancy test. 

I feel like I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm thinking I want/need a double that isn't huge and can be used as a single. 

I know my kids well enough that if I get a single for the new baby it'll backfire. We'll be out all day and one of the big kids is going to want to ride in the stroller. You may suggest the buggie board but I know the big kids will want to sit down and ride from time to time. 

But, if I get a huge double, like the Baby Jogger City Mini GT (which I absolutely LOVE) for everyday use I feel like that's going to backfire too. J walks almost all the time and C wants to do what she's doing. So, I'd be pushing around a monsterous double (half empty) quite a bit. So, I want a second seat but maybe not a side by side like the GT. It makes me a little sad because I adored my regular Baby Jogger City Mini for a couple years and I know the GT is even better!

Here are some options I've thought of:

There's the Sit N' Stand (this is a Joovy) but I'm just not a fan of the Sit N' Stand. That rear seat doesn't look comfy. I had a friend who had one and I felt it was awkward to push. Not to mention those wheels look like they would be murder to push over playground mulch or gravel or any uneven terrain.

I really love the idea of a Phil & Teds. The Phil & Teds Verve (similar to this one) has a nice big weight limit for the rear seat, which would be great. I love those big all terrain wheels on most of the Phil & Teds. The problem is that not one store in DFW carries these Phil & Teds strollers, from what I understand, after calling around to several stores in the metroplex. Nevermind what Phil & Teds website says. I haven't been able to find ANY of these strollers in DFW. :/ I'm open to looking on Craigslist but that's hit or miss. I don't like the fact that these strollers, as far as I know, don't come with a shade for the second seat (you can purchase separate.) And I don't like the fact that the front seat doesn't turn around to face mom.

The Baby Jogger City Select has lots of great reviews and, according to my local Buy Buy Baby, it's the best selling double stroller in their store. I love the idea of this but I feel like it's not practical for our family. I've already tried it out, in store, with C in the front seat. He's already too big for the seats. With him in front and a demo baby doll sitting in the rear seat the whole thing is a monster to push. It's long and difficult to maneuver with the heavier child in front. It seemed difficult or downright impossible to have the rear seat facing you and reclined with the front seat on, forward facing. I think it would probably be great for twins or a newborn and small toddler but not ideal for an older toddler/preschooler and newborn.

That leaves the Britax B-Ready which isn't perfect but I'm thinking may be my best option. I LOVE that you can use the frame as a car seat carrier, the front seat turns around to face mom. I love that my almost 3 year old fits perfectly in the rear seat. And I love that the whole thing is pretty compact, considering. It doesn't feel like you're pushing a train. Even with the heavier/older child in the front seat it isn't hard to push or maneuver. Obviously, there are some minuses. I'm not crazy about the lack of storage with 2 kids in the stroller and I'm not crazy about the wheels. I think they'll be "okay" on the playground, gravel, etc but the wheels are obviously not as great as Phil & Teds or the Baby Jogger GT. Also the rear seat weight limit is about 33-35 lbs. My almost 3 year old is almost at the weight limit and my 4 year old is past the weight limit. They can both still sit in the front seat. I'm thinking we can push the rear weight limit a bit if we're careful. Not ideal but I'm still thinking this may be my best option.

Really, I wish I could design my own stroller!

*All pics via Amazon


  1. Congrats girl friend !!!! I'm beyond excited for you all :) Awww the stroller dilemma I remember it well.

  2. I hope you find your perfect stroller!
    By the way, that wallet you asked about is Lily Bloom. Found it at TJ Maxx, but you can find them online, too!
