Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a great, and busy, weekend!! Saturday morning the kids and I joined friends at Fudruckers to celebrate the adoption of their 3 kids! We had a great time and we're SO happy for our friends and their sweet children. The oldest is a little girl J's age and one of J's best friends. J has been SO excited for her friend and was telling everyone we met that her friend was being adopted this weekend. :) 

Of course C spotted the little arquade area at Fudrucker's and had to play for a few minutes. :) 

 Saturday evening DH and J went grocery shopping while C and I met my mom and sister at TJ Maxx for a little shopping. C found this mask that he had to try on.

I'm in the process of starting to re-do the kids' bathroom. The shower curtain was on clearance at Target for $14.99 and the owl and towels are from TJ Maxx. I'm not sure if I'll stick with gray towels.. I'm not sure if they go with the shower curtain. Still debating that. I was thinking of painting the walls a light, light gray though. What do you think?

We've had a great couple weeks around here! I haven't been sick in over 2 weeks (I think) and was able to celebrate my birthday the end of August and do several things that I've wanted to do. The kids are enjoying school 2 days a week and I'm really enjoying the quiet time while they're in school. I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog.. I still need to post about C's birthday in mid-August.

I'm so glad to be well into my second trimester and feeling better on a day to day basis. I usually love summer but this year I'm glad to see it go and I'm really, really looking forward to fall!


  1. Love the shower curtain !!! We have a Fudruckers here too but I've never been there ! Looks like fun :) Happy Monday !

  2. Light gray for the bathroom sounds cozy and clean. Your shower curtain is cute, too. Glad you're feeling well these days.

