Saturday, December 14, 2013

Seaworld! {Part 1}

We spent most of the day Saturday at Sea World (Again, this was back in October. I'm just really late  posting these pics.)

I made an appointment for the kids to pet and feed a dolphin. J was thrilled! But C wouldn't pet it (and this is the kid who was petting sting rays at the aquarium last year while J wouldn't touch them) but both kids threw a fish in for the dolphin to eat. This dolphin was named Yoyo and J is still talking about her. I'm so glad she had this experience. She loves dolphins and I know she'll remember this for a long time. :)

 I love this pic!

 I snapped this one of the three dolphins with my cellphone. I wish it was a little clearer but I was so happy to get a good shot of them doing something "cute". :)

We were at Sea World right before Halloween and there were several characters dressed up passing out treats. We were surprised to find all natural dried fruit snacks in these bags! My kids love them and they're so much better than candy.

 The Shamu show!

 I loved watching my kids' faces as they watched each show. They loved it!

Posing by a Shamu statue. C had to lift up his Shamu toy.... after the Shamu show he was really proud of that toy. Ha! :) It's funny how both kids are looking off here... they're were people everywhere so they were really distracted.

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