Monday, August 28, 2017

back to blogging!

I've decided to start blogging again! I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since I was blogging! A lot has happened since then.

We welcomed baby #3 in January 2014.

Followed by baby #4 in October 2015.

We moved to a new house and new town an hour away in December 2015.

The older kids started a new school, mid year, with that move.

In the summer of 2016 baby #4 was diagnosed with torticollis, brachycephaly and plagiocelphaly. She went into a cranial doc band for several months and began physical and occupational therapy. She made great progress and graduated from PT and OT within just a few months! She graduated from the doc band in December 2016.

In August 2016 baby #4 was also diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The next day my father was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. From there everything was a blur, a whirlwind of emotions and, as you can imagine, a lot of stress for the next several months.

Baby #4 had a closed reduction on her left hip in mid September 2016. After one night in the hospital she came home in a spica cast, which she wore for the next several months.

My father passed away in early October 2016, just 48 days after his diagnosis.

Baby #4 adjusted well to the spica cast! She had a cast changes in November and January before getting out of the cast in February. She's in a rhino brace now and doing great! All of her follow up x-rays have looked good! I'll be writing more about our journey with hip dysplasia, sharing pics and also sharing tips and products that worked for us with the spica cast.

In April 2017 my husband got notice of a cross country transfer! This was something we really wanted to do! After living all ours lives in Texas we thought it would be fun to experience life in a different area! In mid May my husband drove a moving truck out to North Carolina and started a new position out here while the kids and I stayed in Texas to finish out the school year. School was out on June 1st and on June 2nd my husband flew back to Texas and we all drove out to NC together!

We spent the summer getting settled into our townhouse, getting to know the area, finding a new church, meeting new people and making new friends! The older 3 kids enjoyed VBS at two different churches and we had our first family trip to the beach! The kids and I took a second trip to the beach when my mom and sister came out to visit! It's been a great summer and the two older kids started school this morning!

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