Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

for What's Up Wednesday!

1.  What we are eating this week..

Nothing special ha! J has been working late so the kids and

I have basically snacking for dinner the last couple nights.

2.  What I'm reminiscing about...

When my 8 and 7 year olds were little. They're growing up way too fast!

3.  What I'm loving.....

Fall is in the air! And new schedules and more structure with school starting. :)

4.  What we've been up to....

Getting back into the school routine

5.  What I'm dreading........

Minor surgery in November, then recovery

6.  What I'm working on.......

Trying to get back to blogging, using my Canon more

often and trying to motivate myself to get to the gym lol

7.  What I'm excited about....

Fall! Cooler weather! Fall clothes!

8. What I'm watching/reading

Just finished watching Unsolved Mysterys on Hula. That is some creepy stuff ha!

Reading 'Rushing Waters' by Danielle Steel. Oddly appropriate after Hurricane Harvey and

Hurricane Irma threatening to hit the East Coast

9. What I'm listening too

Currently listening to a super annoying Netflix cartoon the kids are watching

10. What I'm wearing

Oversized t-shirt and yoga pants. Lazy day around here.

11. What I'm doing this weekend

Not sure yet

12. What I'm looking forward to next month

Indie Grace turning 2! Having her party! And Halloween!

13. What else is newJust getting into the back to school routine. The first week went
pretty smooth. The next few weeks the kids have a few new activities coming up 

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