Thursday, November 9, 2017

Busy Fall Day

We have been busy, busy, busy around here! This morning I had a pre op appointment with my surgeon at 10 o'clock. Everything looks good and surgery is still scheduled for Friday, Nov. 17th. I will have a pre op with the hospital on Monday and my mom flies out next Wednesday to help during my recovery.

After my appointment this morning I came home picked up S and L and headed over to a playdate with my Christian moms group at Little Flippers. We haven't been in quite a while and the girls loved it! I looked at my TimeHop this morning... a year ago today L was in the OR, in Dallas, having her first cast change. Today she was jumping on a trampoline, running, tumbling around and trying to swing from a bar. She has come a long way in the last year!

After Little Flippers the girls and I ran to Wal-Mart for a few things before coming home for lunch and naps. It's perfect napping weather today! Cool, overcast and drizzly. I just turned on the heater for about the second time this season. I'm loving North Carolina in the fall!

This afternoon J has Girls On The Run after school. Once I pick her up the kids will be home for a 3 day weekend. I'm super excited to get started on Christmas shopping tomorrow! And the kids will fill up shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and buy can goods for the food drive Girls On The Run is heading up at the kids' elementary school.

We are definitely heading into a busy holiday season!

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