Wednesday, August 1, 2018

VBS and stuff

 The kids are in VBS again this week. Indie is too little too attend but wanted her pic made next to this guy too! 

 They've been serving dinner every night to kids and parents! The first night we had tacos and last night we had chicken nuggets and fries! 

 Mar and Alex are in the same class this time. They were decorating tote bags when I picked them up Monday night. And last night they decorated t-shirts. Alex also won at jostling Monday night.. he was all excited about that! 

 Indie and Sol after we picked up Sol Monday night. Indie's been making the funniest faces lately.

 Today we went to Barnes & Noble for a while. Here's Indie being silly again while looking at a My Little Pony book. 

I happened to see this guide to Disney World at the bookstore. I'm thinking it will be a great book to have as we plan our big trip next year! 

 The girls just looking cute after we got back home this afternoon! 

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! 

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