Monday, August 6, 2018

Weekend Wrap-Up

 The three girls all ready for church yesterday morning! I love this picture of them! 

 All 4 kids ready for church. I woke up with a migraine yesterday morning so my awesome hubby took the kids for church and let me stay home and rest. I've been getting migraines every day the past several days. I think these are allergy related and connected to the major muscle tension I'm having in my shoulders and upper back. I'm planning to go to the chiro tomorrow and I know that will really help! 

This pictures was actually from Thursday evening when we had a storm coming in. I just love a great storm and a love watching storm clouds! Thankfully all we got was a ton of rain and nothing serious.

Saturday morning J took "Sol" to the free kids workshop at Home Depot. This was the first time Sol has gone and she had a lot of fun making bookworm bookends! Afterwards J took her to McDonald's for a pancake brunch and icecream. It was a nice little daddy/daughter outing for the two of them! 

 Indie enjoyed this puzzle at life group at a friend's house Sunday evening. She's fascinated by buckles, ties and zippers so this is perfect for her! I've been thinking of getting her a bear like this one too. I'll be posting about Indie's recent evaluation soon. She'll be starting therapy at home within the next few weeks and we'll be looking at additional resources for her as well. 

Sol cracked me up Sunday evening wearing my sunglasses and flip-flops and holding my bag. Ha! 

 I found Indie laying next to Alex in bed Sunday night cuddling with 
his teddy bear and watching live TV on his tablet. So sweet!

Our sweet dog E had surgery a couple weeks ago and just got his cone off Saturday. We bathed him last night and then he sat with J while he was watching TV. So, so sweet! E loves to be held and cuddled. He's just 7 months old so still a baby. 

 I have several blog posts coming up including the things we'll need for our first year of homeschooling and Indie's recent evaluation. It looks like we don't have so much rain this week so I'm hoping I can finish painting my outdoor table! It's bright and sunny now so we're off to the pool now! Hope everyone had a great weekend!! 


  1. Look at all those cute pictures! Your kids are ADORABLE!

  2. Those precious pics of your beautiful children before church are absolutely adorable! I, too, love watching storm clouds and lighting. It's incredible to watch God's handiwork and the beauty of creation, rain or shine! So sorry to hear that you've been dealing with migraines. I hope you get some much needed relief soon! Happy Disney trip planning!! So fun! Wishing you and your family a fantastic week!
