Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October TBB Asks Fall 2.0

I'm linking up with The Blended Blog today!

1} My favorite fall color to wear would be navy or a dark pink. 
I love all the fall colors for decorations. 

2} I'm not a huge fan of apple cider but most definitely prefer it hot. 

3} Absolutely! I love caramel apples! 

4} I would choose an apple cider donut. 

5} Long cardigans for sure. 

6} Chicken wings! 

7} I love both orange and white pumpkins. 

8} I love hayrides with my kids but bonfires are more cozy.

9} I love apple pies and homemade chocolate chip cookies. 

(All photos via Google) 

10} I'm looking forward to going up to the mountains this fall! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!!! Enjoy your trip to the mountains!!! I did that once years ago and it was fabulous!! ENJOY! I am now following from TBB...you can follow back if you wish at Annster's Domain. Have a great day~
