Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Catching Up

We've been so busy around here I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water. 
I had to skip a few activities last week because I was so worn out. We skipped dance, MOPS and sensory story time last week. I hated to miss anything but I think we all needed a break.

Saturday morning the little girls had soccer. Well, Sol played soccer while Indie 
sat next to me and wouldn't set foot out on the field ha! But Sol is like the star 
player for her team! She's so fun to watch!! 

Sunday morning we said good-bye to our sweet bunny and sent her to live in a new home. Mar got her back in February when she was about 8 weeks old but turned out to be allergic. The bunny didn't get the time and attention she deserved from the rest of us and I've been trying to find a loving home for her for a while now. I've asked around but none of our friends wanted her or knew of anyone else who would want her. I didn't want to give her to strangers so we kept her until we could find the perfect home. Last week I asked some friends and neighbors if they wanted her and they did! I'm so happy she went to them and that she's in a great, loving home! And she just lives one street over so we can visit any time! :) I really love her and feel sad about letting her go but I know it was
the right thing to do and know she's happy. 

We took our puppy to the dog park for the first time Monday afternoon! He LOVED it and even 
played with a German Shephard! I couldn't believe it since he usually seems scared of other dogs but he had a great time! I can't wait to take him back again! 

Late Monday evening I had to run errand and took all 4 kids with me since J was
home working late. On our way back home I hit a curb and blew out a front tire! 

My sweet husband was just finishing up work and came to our rescue. Sol 
was so sweet holding the flash light for him. :) 

 The girls and I took the van in to get new tires Tuesday morning. There's a Target just across the parking lot so we over there, browsed around and had a little lunch in the café area while our tires were replaced.  

 Our Target is being remodeled right now and the girls enjoyed the new play things 
(I think they're new?) in the toy area. 

Tuesday afternoon we went downtown for awhile where I took several photos of 
the kids for a fun, new review I have coming up! 

Tuesday evening I dropped Alex off at Trail Life then the girls and 
I headed to Barnes & Noble for awhile. 

This morning (Wednesday) I worked in childcare at church for a few hours then stopped
by Wal-Mart for a few things. Came home for a quick lunch and nap for Indie. 
Picked up Alex from school then headed to dance at 4:30. 

This goofy girl wanted to wear snow boots and sunglasses to dance this afternoon! Ha! 

After dance we went through Taco Bell drive thru for dinner then headed across town to drop Mar 
off at American Heritage Girls. The younger three and I went to a couple stores to browse around 
while she was there. 

We're back home now and I am SO excited about staying home all day tomorrow unless I decide 
to go up to the library for sensory story time in the afternoon. Mar doesn't have Girls On The Run tomorrow and I won't be picking up the neighbor kids tomorrow either so our Thursday will 
be pretty quiet this week. 

Indie has therapy here at home Friday morning but the rest of Friday should be free.
I have a ton of laundry and housework to catch up on AND need to get ready for my yard sale this weekend so it'll be nice to have a couple quiet days at home. 

It seems like our weeks are so busy and our weekends have been crazy lately too! I'm 
considering dropping a few things off our schedule. I know Mar could use a few more
 quiet days at home to focus on school work and I definitely need a lot of time at 
home to keep up with laundry, housework. And I think we could all use more time at home to 
relax, unwind and recharge. 

I'm really excited about my latest review and hope to have it up later this week!!

1 comment:

  1. My van looks like yours, I can't tell, but it might be the same type! Too bad about the tire, and sad about your bunny! Your dog is super cute!
