Sunday, November 11, 2018


Sol was Princess Belle for Halloween!

We went trick or treating with friends this year!

Alex wanted to be a knight. He got all this at the Dollar Tree for less than $5..
I was fine with that ha! 

 Sol was super excited to get to trick or treat with one her bestfriends (far left) and Indie tagged along 
with them a little too. She wanted to hold his hand for a while. :) 

Mar was a gypsy this year. Not her first choice but we were kind of last minute and this
is what we found. She's so easy going (about some things) and was happy with it!

Indie was so excited to be Minnie!!

After we were done trick or treating for almost 2 hours we came home and handed out
almost 2 huge bowls full of candy to more trick or treaters! Our neighbors weren't kidding when
they told us this neighborhood was super busy on Halloween night! It was a lot of fun.. with so many neighbors really getting into it and settingup haunted houses in their garages and tons of décor. Several families were sitting around firepits in their driveways. It seemed like everyone was out having fun! I'm thinking about hosting a Halloween party next year. I've never done one before but think it would be a lot of fun! 


  1. Such adorable trick or treaters!!! I love that the knight was under $5!! What a deal!~

  2. Look at your little cuties! My kids love handing out candy to the other trick or treaters just as much as they love trick or treating. They also keep tally marks of how many we have. I am so glad you had such a great Halloween night!
