Wednesday, November 14, 2018

a day in the life

I thought it would be interesting to recap our busy day Tuesday.


We all had to wake up pretty early since we had a busy day ahead. By 8 a.m. I think everyone was up and awake except for L and I. I drug myself out of bed, stumbled downstairs to mix up my Revital U coffee and headed back upstairs to straighten my hair.

I woke L up around 8:15, got her dressed, made sure someone gave her a chocolate chip granola bar and quickly got myself dressed.

My husband's grandmother passed away suddenly over the weekend so he left for Texas on Tuesday with the two older girls. 

My husband finished loading his car for the trip then left and took C to school around 8:25

I try to double check to make sure the girls had packed everything they needed but figured out later they left a few things behind... including nice dresses for the service and all their bath/shower stuff. Oops.

The girls and I left the house right after 8:30 and drove to Wal-Mart to meet my husband. We left his car and we all went together in the van to get his car registered before going back to Texas. We may have been a bit overdue on the whole registration thing..

We stood in a long line at the registration place but thankfully didn't have to wait too long. That place had to be 50 years old and smelled like old, stagnant cigarette smoke.

After getting the car registered we went back to Wal-Mart around 10:00-10:15. I dropped my husband off at Wal-Mart so he could get his prescription and a few other items before leaving town. The girls and I drove over to the Dollar Tree in the next parking lot. I let the two older girls pick out several things to keep them busy on the road. They got crayons, notebooks, coloring books, a few crafts and more. Plus Play-Doh to play with at my mother-in-law's house.

My husband met us in the Dollar Tree parking lot with donuts around 10:45. We were all starving! We said our good-byes and he and the older girls left and headed out of town from there.

L and I went straight to therapy after telling the others goodbye. She had a great session! She crawled through a big, long tunnel for the first time (she was terrified of it previously) then crawled through it several more times throughout her session. She also wanted to get on the "horse" swing and actually swung on it for the first time! She loved it! Last week she sat on it for a minute but wouldn't swing on it. You can see she has my old "My Child" doll from the 80s that she played with all day Tuesday. I begged for that doll for my 8th birthday and named here "Emily" when I was a kid. L tries to say Emily but it sounds more like "Em-na-lee"... it's really cute how she says it! 

Excuse the awful pictures! The camera on this new (cheap) phone drives me crazy. I'm practically counting down the days until I can get a new phone but it will be a few months. I finally found the charger to my big camera and really want to start taking that around with me. I need the practice and really miss decent pictures!

On the way home from therapy we met a girl from a buy/sell/trade group to buy a pair of snow bibs for the winter. L was sooo excited to get them and had to put them on as soon as we got home ha! They're a little too big for her but she looked so cute in them! I'm hoping we get as much snow this year as we got last year. (What we got last year seemed like a lot to us since we hardly got a thing in Texas).

L and I came home for lunch around 12:45, took the dog out a couple times then left to pick up C for an orthodontist appointment. His appointment was at 2:10 but of course we were 10 minutes late. This was a follow up to his evaluation back in February. They still want to wait a while to start treatment and don't need to see him again until May.

After the orthodontist we came home for a late nap and quiet time. Yesterday was cold, overcast and rainy... perfect napping weather! L went right to sleep and slept until I had to wake her up to leave the house again at 5:30.

Around five I made grill cheese sandwiches for C and I and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for L to eat in the car. Trail Life starts at 7 but I told a girl from another buy/sell/trade group that I would meet her at 6:15 so we left the house around 5:30-5:40.

After we met the girl we browsed around the dollar $3-$5 bins at Target for a while.

The kids tried on a few hats. Both kids wanted that toy that L is holding in the last picture. L got the snowman and C got a penguin but as soon as we opened them we realized they were junk. L and I went right back to Target after dropping C off at Trail Life and returned the toys. We walked around Target again for over an hour. I could spend my life in there ha!

I bought a couple clearance palm stems (and want to go back for more!) and a Barbie baby for L but this candle smelled sooo good! I may go back and get it.

L felt warm to me off and on all evening. The last thing we want is a seizure so I kept feeling her forehead to figure out if she was feverish. I walked over to the Target pharmacy and asked if they could take her temp. I think the pharmacist thought I was crazy at first ha! Then he seemed to agree it would probably be a good idea to keep a thermometer behind the counter. In the end I just bought Tylenol and gave L a dose to be on the safe side. I'm going to try to remember to keep a bottle of Tylenol or Ibuprofen in my diaper bag/purse from now along with a thermometer. I always have about fifty thousand things in there that I don't need. I wish I could remember to carry along the stuff we do need!

We picked up C from Trail Life at 8:15, stopped by McDonald's drive-thru for a snack. The kids had fries and chocolate chip cookies and I had a hot apple pie! It's crazy how much calmer it is with just 2 kids. It's almost like a vacation!

Despite a busy day we came home, played with the dog, had snacks and went to bed late.. around 11:15. I watched a few episodes of "Friends", then fell asleep with my contacts still in! This happens way too often. The kids love sleeping in my bed when my husband is gone so after C got the dog to sleep in his room he came and slept in bed with L and I. Then he ended up going back to his room in the middle of the night after the dog started whining. The dog is so funny.. just like a toddler... he doesn't like to go to sleep in a room by himself so you have to sneak out after he's asleep.. then if he wakes up and realizes you're gone he whines until you come back haha!! Such a spoiled puppy!

I kept an eye on my husband and the girls' route as they were traveling yesterday and into the night. I'm always a little nervous when my husband drives straight through! I have no idea how he does it. They did stop to rest for a while and arrived safely at his mother's house early Wednesday morning. I'm so thankful they had a safe and uneventful trip out there!

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