Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's Ok Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Ok that I love sending J off to school and really enjoy spending the day with one kid. One kid... particularly C.. is so easy. It's a breeze.

It's Ok that I'm pretty sure home school will not be the route for us any time soon, if ever.

It's Ok that I'm sitting here blogging instead of cooking breakfast, cleaning house, folding laundry or exercising.

It's Ok that I'm super excited about getting a new camera soon! Can.not.wait!

It's Ok that I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Erin Condren planner!

It's Ok that I still haven't blogged about Christmas. At this point I'm thinking I may skip it all together.

It's Ok that I'm kinda running short on it's Ok stuff. Gotta wrap it up and go eat breakfast brunch!

I'm also linking up with 

Happy Kids, Inc


1 comment:

  1. New cameras are awesome!!! What kind are you getting?
