Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day, Part 1

 Breakfast at Ihop. Love this pic of them! I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband who is such a great father to our kids.

 Daddy with his mini me.

 Me and my mini me. Seriously, this girl is so much like me it's scary.

 Sweet J with her chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate covered mouth.

C digging in. Ha!  

We had a pretty low key Father's Day. My hubby works a lot and we are always busy.. just going going going all the time.. so he decided a day at home, alone, sounded good to relax and unwind. Sounded good to me because after all that's what I want for myself every Mother's Day. We decided to go to Ihop for brunch and afterwards I took the kids to a Father's Day lunch, for my dad, with my family. Lots of pics to come on that!

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