Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Alex turns 8!

Alex turned 8 yesterday!

The whole family spent the day together on Saturday. Alex wanted chicken wings for lunch so our first stop was Wing Stop!

So yummy!

After lunch we headed over to the mall. Alex got some Legos from the Lego store then they kids
all wanted to ride these animals.

They had so much fun!

We visited Game Stop, Build-A-Bear, Starbucks and a few other places before heading over to
Bass Pro Shop. We planned to spend more time at Bass Pro but just went in for a few minutes.
The kids enjoyed watching the fish in the aquarium.

J and Alex went out again Saturday evening so Alex could buy a few more things with his birthday money and pick out a game he's been wanting.

Sunday we went to church and then to J's company picnic at a park where we had the most amazing bar-b-que and macaroni and cheese from Smoke Pit.

I had to take one last pic of Alex as a seven year old before he went to bed Sunday night. (He's hardly put that game down since he got it ha!)

Alex wanted Starbucks yesterday morning for his birthday! J took him for a morning bun and decaf frappucino. Starbucks is a regular (bad habit) for me but a rare and special treat for the kids!

I think he's chewing here ha!

Since J works late evenings we had a little party for Alex yesterday morning as soon as they got
back from Starbucks.

The girls and I had brownies, icecream and a few little gifts for him to open.

Mar was so excited to use her own money and buy this candy for him. It was so sweet! :)

We ended his birthday at the pool yesterday where the kids had a few water balloon and water gun fights with friends!

I think he had a pretty good birthday! :) It's hard to believe he's 8!

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