Thursday, August 9, 2018

summer days

We've had a busy-ish week. It seems like summer is winding down fast which is always a bittersweet feeling.

 I've made an effort to get to the pool this week. Last week it rained so much we didn't get a chance to go but this week we've gone both Monday and Wednesday mornings. I'd like to go again tomorrow or Saturday. 

Our neighborhood is getting a brand new playground! It's going in right next to the pool so it's fun to be able to watch the progress! The kids are really excited about it and I'm looking forward to cooler weather when we can actually enjoy being outside without melting. Right now we're either inside with the AC going full blast or at the pool.

 Yesterday afternoon we went to the mall so Alex could participate in the free VIP Lego mini build event. This is the first one he's gone to and had a lot of fun! They had a few leftover sets from a previous month that they gave to the girls.
The kids have been loving the Lego stores lately! I love that they have a Duplo table for toddlers while the older kids browse or play with the smaller pieces. 

We browsed around a few other stores at the mall. I had to get Sol this camo scarf off the clearance rack at Claire's. She loves camo and is such a little tomboy but has a real girly side too. She's excited to wear it this fall! 

 The older girls wanted their pics made in this unicorn cut-out outside Claire's.

It was storming around the time we wanted to head home so we ended up staying and getting dinner at the food court. Mar and I had Chinese food while the others had pizza. Indie looks so grown up in this picture! I was really proud of her for climbing up on a bar stool by herself and calmly sitting there. She generally gets upset any time she's on a barstool and wants to get down because she feels like she's falling. She looks a little nervous here but she got up there by herself and sat there for a few minutes. :) 

I saw these adorable puppy legwarmers at Five Below! Perfect colors to support the Cowboys this winter!! We decided our dog would probably chew them up in thirty seconds so I didn't get them but I thought they were so cute. Five Below also had dog coats, shirts, dresses and some pretty cute toys including one that looked like a Starbucks coffee drink. 

 E loves to sit in this chair sometimes when he's outside. I guess he thinks he's human or something lol. He's so funny!

We have a lot of busy days coming up! Mar had an orthodontist appointment this morning. Next week Indie has her first in home therapy for SPD and then a check-up for her hip later in the week. All the kids have an upcoming dentist appointment. I've never made appointments for all four at once before so this could be interesting. I still need to register Alex for school and un-enroll Mar. Lots of end-of-the-summer stuff coming up and we want to try and cram in a few summer activities that we haven't done yet before school starts up again! 


  1. OMG! Your daughter in that leopard scarf is edible and precious! Have a great weekend :)

  2. The playground will be great fun when it's ready!
