Thursday, September 13, 2018

life lately

 We have been so busy around here. Fall activities are starting up 
and we're trying to adjust to a new schedule. 

Mar had her last swim of the season Monday afternoon. She had the entire pool 
to herself and swam for about 20 minutes while I took the younger three 
to the playground on the other side of the fence. The pool closed a couple days 
early in preparation for any severe weather we may get from Hurricane Florence. 

 The kids are enjoying our new neighborhood playground! I know we'll be up there 
a lot more once the weather gets a little cooler. 

Indie had OT again Tuesday morning. She's doing great!! 

 After school Tuesday afternoon we went to another
free VIP mini Lego build event. I think this is the second one we've gone to. Alex
got to make, and bring home, a little airplane this time. 

The little girls had fun on this little ride at the mall! 

We had Chinese food at the food court for dinner Tuesday evening then headed
to Alex's first Trail Life meeting! He had a great time and can't 
wait to go on his first camping trip in a couple weeks!! 

Yesterday morning (Weds) we had a couple therapists out to confirm that Indie does 
not qualify for early education classes at the public school. Great news! 

Afterwards the girls and I went to our first homeschool co-op meeting. I knew
the low gas indicator light came on right after we left the house but kind of 
forgot about it.. because I have a bad habit of driving around on E. As we were driving 
up to the church [where the co-op is held] my starting making an awful noise and was
kind of lurching around. I've never run out of gas before in my life and wasn't sure 
what was wrong with the van. Even though the other moms offered to help 
out my sweet husband drove all the way over with gas in a gas can to rescue me.. 
making him late for work. He's a great guy! Lesson learned: I won't be driving
 around on E again. Ha!

The homeschool co-op meeting was great! The girls played with a couple 
friends they already knew and made some new friends! I'm in a social planning
group with a few other moms so that will be fun! I love to plan and
organize events. 

I was planning to go to Wal-Mart and Aldi after co-op but ended up hanging 
around chatting for almost an hour afterwards and we were all ready to
come home for lunch by that point. 

Wednesday afternoon the girls had their first dance classes of the season! 
They attend free dance classes at another local church. They had a 
great time... even Sol who always says she doesn't want to go but always
ends up having a lot of fun! 

After dance we went to Wal-Mart to buy a few "hurricane necessities and snacks". 
Who knows if we'll need them. We've been watching the weather closely and 
it seems like the predictions are constantly changing. We're near Charlotte
so the worst for us would just be a lot of rain, possible flooding, possible
falling trees (they can fall when the ground gets too soggy), loss of power 
and/or conditions for tornadoes. I'm guessing we won't get anything much
but you never know and it's good to prepare just in case. The water aisle 
at Wal-Mart is completely cleaned out. 

I have a long overdue chiropractor appointment this morning. This afternoon I'm going 
to start picking up a couple neighborhood kids after school. I'll just be picking them
up on Thursdays and then taking them to the library with us for about an hour 
while Indie goes to sensory story time. These kids love the library too (just like all my kids) 
so they'll have fun reading and hanging out while Indie and Sol are in the story time. 

Next week Mar starts Girls On The Run and the following week she starts American
Heritage Girls. The little girls are supposed to start soccer this coming weekend 
but with all the rain we're expecting I imagine soccer will be postponed. 

I'm really looking forward to settling into more of a routine. Lately things have 
been crazy with new activities starting up and trying to figure out how to 
get into a good schedule. 

Hope everyone is having a great week!