Monday, September 24, 2018

Weekend Wrap-Up

Another busy weekend for us!

Saturday morning the guys left for their camping trip! They met up with Alex's Trail Life group up in the mountains. This was Alex's first camping trip and he had a blast!

J and a friend took a few pictures. 

Saturday morning was the little girls' first soccer games of the season. They're playing with a PeeWee soccer team that meets at our church four Saturdays during the fall. Sol ran right out onto the field and began playing (as expected). She loves soccer and does really well!

Indie was all excited about the idea of soccer until we actually got there. She sat on a friend's lap for a little while then clung to me after that and wanted to sit in her stroller. She's still a little young to join in and I really didn't expect her too. She got a shirt and if she even gets on the field at all during the next month I will consider it a success! I really only signed her up because I want to just get her used to the idea of soccer now before we sign her up again in the spring.

After soccer the girls and I went to several yard sales in our neighborhood. We got some great deals including a Melissa & Doug easel for $15, a ripstick for $5, big container of Legos for $5, a sound machine for $2, a free doll and more! After shopping around at the yard sales we went to our Neighborhood Walmart for a few things, came home for lunch and attempted to get Indie down for a nap. I made the mistake of telling her we were going to the park after nap time and she never settled down. Ha! She was also too busy enjoying her new toys and easel.

Around this time on Saturday afternoon I noticed our A/C wasn't working properly. I had it set to 71 but the temperature in the house was around 76. I turned the A/C off while we went to the park to meet some friends.. hoping that it just needed a break with the heat.

We were at the park for a couple of hours. Mar had a great time with a friend from church while I visited with her mom. Indie surprised me by being pleasant and sociable and ran around having a great time despite not having a nap!

After the park we drove around looking for garage sale leftovers on the curb. (I have no shame.) We found an adorable black coffee table that I can't wait to sand and repaint a shabby white! It's so cute and kind of unique! I've been wanting a coffee table and just love this one. I also found a pile of baby doll clothes and accessories that we washed and cleaned and the little girls are thrilled with them!

We got back home Saturday evening to an A/C that was still not functioning properly despite having had a 2 hour break. We hung out in the living room under the ceiling fan with two more fans blowing on us while I tried everything I could think of (or Google) to fix the A/C. A few things seemed to help (vacuuming an air filter that we've since replaced, keeping lights off, turning the A/C off periodically, then back on.) It gradually got cooler in the house as the sun was going down.

Around the time that I breathed a huge sigh of relief that the A/C was doing it's job again my phone started flickering and totally went out. I couldn't do a thing with it. We ended up having to replace it Sunday evening.

Sunday morning the girls and I went to church. Believe it or not the A/C was out again at church too. It was out on Wednesday, repaired, but then out again yesterday. Hopefully it will be repaired for good soon! I volunteered in Sol's four-year-old class yesterday. She was thrilled to have me in class with her! It was so sweet! I'm not sure I've ever volunteered in her class but if I have it was when she a baby so she wouldn't have remembered. It was a lot of fun hanging out with her in her class and helping out! I love giving attention to my kids one on one whenever I can. :)

The guys came home around noon on Sunday. Then Alex and I went up to Gander to use our $20 giftcard! He had a lot of fun picking out a few things! We met J and the girls at T-Mobile after that to get my new phone. Then the kids and I went on to life group to have dinner and adults had Bible study while the kids played. J said he couldn't sleep at all in the tent Saturday night so he went back home and rested while the rest of us were at life group. He never skips anything so I know he had to be really worn out to skip last night.

Today is a pretty lazy day catching up on things around here! Mar has an orthodontist appointment in a couple hours but besides that we should be home all day.

I wish I had taken more pics over the weekend but the few I took were on my old phone. I will try to get a lot of pics this week!

I'm linking up with Hello Monday and Mommy Monday Blog Hop today!


  1. Happppppy monday! Thats so smart about the garage sale curbside stuff lol

  2. Sorry your phone broke! Otherwise it sounds like a pretty good weekend.
