Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October happenings

Another busy week around here!! 

 My mom came into town last Thursday evening! You can see how excited the little girls

were to see her!!

 We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner afterwards. We always love looking around the shop

at all the toys and knick knacks!

 I thought this platypus was just adorable with the sparkly beak and feet. I guess it's

a platypus lol?

The miniature toys were really cute too!

  Alex loved the oversized lollypop!

I thought this rocking swan would be adorable for a baby girl photo shoot! Izzy's 

a little too big for it though haha! 

Friday morning Indie Grace had her last, in home, OT visit with her awesome

therapist, JoAnne. Indie turns three later this week and will be aging out 

of therapy through the state. 

Friday evening my mom, the kids, the puppy and I all walked down to the neighborhood

pond and playground. This was our first time walking around the pond. The kids and

puppy loved it! Since we moved here in the summer it's just now cool enough to get out 

and explore a bit. 

 We love having my mom here but I think the kids may be wearing her out a bit.

Saturday morning my mom, Gabby and I went to Nest Fest and got a signed copy of The Nester's new book, The Cozy Minimalist. Here's Gabby sitting in the tiny trailer that's currently on the cozy home tour. The trailer is adorable! It was raining off and on at Nest Fest but we had fun! We visited all the booths, bought a few things and thought about getting something to eat from the food trucks (everything smelled delicious!) but decided we would rather sit down in a cozy restaurant so we went to Macaroni Grill instead. Macaroni Grill was yummy.. as always.. and perfect for a cold, rainy day.

Sunday morning we were excited to have friends join us for church, then J and I worked in Alex's second grade class for second service. Sunday afternoon we hosted life group at our house. We had a big crowd.. it was noisy but fun!

I think we stayed home all day Monday...

Tuesday morning Indie Grace had her first OT visit with the private therapist. (She had her evaluation with them over the summer so she was a little bit familiar with their office when she went in yesterday.) She had a great visit and will be going back every Tuesday! Tuesday evening Alex had Trail Life and all of us girl's browsed around Target. I bought one tray from the dollar (five dollar) bin. And went around collecting ShopKicks ha! I just started doing ShopKicks again and the kids love helping out and scanning things!!

I had my yearly check up this morning (fun, fun!). The girls have dance this afternoon and then Gabby goes to American Heritage Girls right after dance. The rest of us will probably do a little shopping and browsing around while Gabby is at AHG. The kids like to hang out at Pets Mart and I think I'll go back to Target for a couple things that caught my eye last night.

Tomorrow (Thursday) should be a pretty lazy day until afternoon when Gabby has Girls On The Run and I pick up the neighbor kids and bring them home for a couple hours. Honestly, last time they were here it was QUIETER with 6 kids in the house than it normally is with just my 4. Not sure how that happened but it was nice ha!

Indie Grace turns THREE on Friday! I can't believe it! Time has flown by. It's hard watching my youngest grow out of the baby stage and so bittersweet for me. Three is officially "not a baby" any more. She's super excited to go out to Starbucks with her daddy Friday morning for a little birthday breakfast! We'll have a cake and presents sometime later. With Alex going to school early and J working late it's hard to get the whole family together for birthday celebrations but we'll figure something out. She wants a Minnie Mouse cake and but I haven't been able to find Minnie Mouse cake topper so we settled on these little squishy Minnie keychain faces ha! I guess they'll have to do.

We've been planning to go up to Asheville for the day on Saturday. But it's looking like there might be a chance of rain on Saturday so we may just skip it and stay close to home. Our neighborhood is hosting a kid friendly, haunted Halloween walk around the pond Saturday evening so we may just 

do that instead.

Alex was really excited to be one of the first viewers to email and respond to 

the "Axel & Daddy" YouTube show last week. He'll be getting a piece of real

silver in the mail and gets to a be a special "Secret Agent" for their program. 

Exciting things for an 8 year old boy! :) 

Hope everyone is having a great week! I have another fun review coming up soon and my first giveaway coming up too! :)

You can see my past reviews here, here and here


  1. Looks like a great visit from your Mom! I love Cracker Barrel! I usually spend more time shopping then I do eating there! HA

  2. Fun that your mom came and you all are definitely keeping busy!
