Sunday, December 23, 2018

Snow Days!!

We got our first snow of the season a couple weeks ago!

I think we got about four inches early
Monday morning and then maybe a little more later on.

I was more prepared this year with snow boots for all the kids, a snow bib for Indie and
snow pants for Sol.

We don't have a sled so the kids used their boogies boards. The boogie
boards worked great until the biggest one got bent and broke after a couple days. It was
worth it though... they had so much fun with them!! We have a perfect hill right behind
our house that was perfect for sledding the first day or so. Then it started turning
to muddy slush so they went across the street to sled down the hill in the neighbors backyard.

Alex being goofy. He was out of school for three days that week with a delayed opening
on Thursday. I really think a delayed opening Tuesday and Wednesday would've been
just fine but they have their reasons, I suppose, and he loved being at home!

The snow was still coming down pretty hard Monday morning when the kids went
out for the first time. You can see Sol squinting up her eyes here.

Sol kept eating the snow ha! She loved it!

I meant to post these pics days ago. Since the snow we've gotten a lot of rain and some nice, sunshiny days. We're currently in Texas visting family for the holidays! It's great to be back! Lots of Texas posts coming up!! :)

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