Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What's Up Wednesday

What We're Eating This Week - Lots of yummy food but lots of carbs. :/ We're on vacation and not eating the healthiest...

What I'm Reminiscing About - Past Christmases when the kids were babies

What I'm Loving - Being with family and friends in Texas!

What We've Been Up To - Traveling

What I'm Dreading - The 15 hour + drive home

What I'm Working On - Blogging more and staying consistent!! I was working on exercising and eating healthy right before we left NC but that's all gone out the window for the time being...

What I'm Excited About - A few more days in Texas!

What I'm Watching/Reading - I've been watching Friends, again, lately. I haven't been reading anything.

What I'm Listening To - At this very moment I'm listening to the movie "Elf"

What I'm Wearing - Lately I've been wearing leggings every single day and long tunic tops

What I'm Doing This Weekend - Spending time with family on Sat. and driving home Sunday

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month - Celebrating Sol and Mar's 5th and 10th birthdays! My mom will be flying out and surprising Sol for her birthday!!

What Else Is New - Nothing I can think of...

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