Monday, December 10, 2018


Our town's annual Christmas parade is always held the Tuesday afternoon before Christmas. Schools
let out early and it's a big deal.

This year Mar walked in the parade with her American Heritage Girls group. Her Girls On The Run group was also in the parade again but since she walked with them last year she decided to go with AHG this time.

This kids was so cool! He was with a group of kids doing flips and headstands from Acrofitness. 

The parade was a lot of fun but kind of exhausting. Last year I had my mom and J with me so it was easy to get all the kids were they needed to be. This year I was the only adult which meant a whole lot of driving around and a lot of walking!! I didn't plan as well as I should have and ended up having to leave the parade early, walk all the way back to our van with Alex and the little girls, then driving to the end of the parade route to pick up Mar who was hanging out with some moms and kids from her AHG group.

We had some friends over on Thanksgiving Day and ate dinner around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Indie was just on her first round of antibiotics and seemed to be on the mend that day. She was feeling a lot better on Thanksgiving Day.

Alex and Mar filling up their plates! J prepared most of the food again this year! I was planning to make a green bean casserole but ended up rushing around cleaning last minute so J did that too. Ha!

 Our yard backs up into the woods and the kids love playing down there! The dog does too!

 We had a little fire on our patio once it got dark and roasted marshmellows. I like how my pics of the fire turned out ha! I was messing with my camera all day on Thanksgiving and trying to figure out different settings.

We had a great Thanksgiving filled with good food and good friends!!

We're currently wrapping up day two of being snowed in! I'm starting to go a little stir crazy! We have an appointment in the morning so hopefully the roads will be better!! Lots of snow pics coming up!!

1 comment:

  1. So fun that you have a parade. The food looks good too! Sorry to hear you're snowed in!
